Ann Marie McGhee made all of us so much better.  We adore her and are honored to share her legacy in a very real way through a space for books, growth, collaboration, and creation. We know Ann Marie loved her students, learning through creation and innovation, playing games, and reading.  Let’s combine her “loves” in one space.

As you feel led , please donate to the Ann Marie McGhee Makerspace fund in her memory using this item.

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Ann Marie McGhee made all of us so much better.  We adore her and are honored to share her legacy in a very real way through a space for books, growth, collaboration, and creation. We know Ann Marie loved her students, learning through creation and innovation, playing games, and reading.  Let’s combine her “loves” in one space.

What is a Maker’s Space? In K-12 schools, makerspaces are dedicated areas where students can use hands-on techniques and tools to make something new, discover problems and solutions, and consider how their learning of discrete skills and concepts can be applied in real life.Your donation will help fund this exciting space on the beautiful campus of Horse Creek Academy.

As you feel led , please donate to the Ann Marie McGhee Makerspace fund in her memory using this item.